Sunday, May 31, 2009

New Art

I have decided to bring in some new art for the new Gallery and shop location. I am going with a fruit and vegetable them. I took the tomato shot on friday at the Copley Farmers Market. I wanted to go for cheerful and light. I have mounted the photos onto 6x6 and 8x8 boxes. Kind of a different thing for me.

When I arrived the finishing touches were being applied to the new building. The art space is wonderful and some artwork was already up.

I love all the frames choices and colors. Some frames are serious and some not so serious with lots of sparkle. I really love the open feel of the new gallery and shop.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kerry, this post is wonderful! I'm delighted with your photos of the new space---I was there Friday and forgot my camera (bummer!)

I love the frames. Just like you said: some are serious and some not so serious.

Looking forward to your work hanging and ::Selling!::

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